Chapel Rental
**Please note, the chapel is not currently zoned for weddings or other large events, and cannot be rented for such.**
In addition, it is not available for group shoots with more than 3 photographers. We do not rent for public or private parties of any kind.
$25/hour (2-hour minimum)
$85 Half Day (4 hours)
$150 All Day (8 hours)
Your set-up and tear-down times are included in the hours you rent. You cannot set up early and you must have everything finished and packed up when your time ends. Be sure to rent an extra hour for setting up and tearing down if you think you'll need it.
UPDATED Sep. 22nd, 2024
Hello everyone! This is Jess, owner of CM and Wurmwood Photography.
I know I've been increasingly difficult to reach, so I wanted to leave a note here!
On February 29th, we fell victim to a break-in and grievous vandalism. A man broke in and went on an hours-long rampage, destroying nearly everything inside the building. As such, we have been unavailable for bookings while we've made repairs and cleaned the place up. Many of you may know that this is more than a rental studio, it is also my personal studio and my HOME.
Read about the event on PetaPixel
The losses have truly been extensive, not only to my business but to our livelihoods. The property was rendered completely unliveable for quite a while. Coupled with having to stay elsewhere, I've also not been able to work with my studio destroyed. This, unfortunately, makes it very difficult to get everything done in a timely fashion, be it physically or financially. I never imagined it would take us this long to get back to work.
After the news broke of what happened, my various inboxes were flooded by friends and strangers alike. Most offered kindness and comfort, and a few offered less kind words. I cannot begin to describe how thankful I am for all the wonderful people who cared enough to reach out and offer love and support! Unfortunately, an unforeseen consequence to all of this is that it's made it incredibly difficult to get my emails and messages back to an organized and functional state. This, along with everything else, is extending reply times way beyond what I feel is ok, and I feel just terrible for it. I want to extend my sincerest apologies. It is never my intention to ghost years-long loyal clients, or to keep people in limbo with long wait times. This has been a very difficult situation, and I truly cannot overstate how incredibly thankful I am for everyone's continued patience!
We've made serious strides getting back on our feet in the past few months, but there's still a whole lot left to be done. While we aren't quite ready for our usual rentals, we understand the importance of getting back to work so we can continue to fund these repairs.
As such, we ARE open to the possibility of squeezing in a few rentals for those who really want them!
Because of the current situation, however, there are a few changes & things to keep in mind;
1. The large stained glass window, the focal point of the chapel, is no longer fully intact. It is now missing multiple panes of glass and parts of the wooden structure are also broken. All of the stained glass chandeliers that hang in the chapel have also been damaged. Parts of the stage, pulpits, altars, pews and more are scuffed and have damaged paint that is certainly visible to a camera.
2. The side door (the one inside the chapel) is inaccessible 70% of the time now. I know bands and people with lots of gear typically prefer to load in and out through this door, but be aware that it may not be available on your chosen date.
3. There will be NO heat whatsoever in the chapel this winter, and no way to even try to heat it. If you've shot here in the winter before, you know how cold it can be. But with all the exposed and open windows, it's going to be unusable to most people for the colder months. Likely, my studio will also not have heat this winter, meaning there would no longer be a warm section to escape to periodically & warm up. For this reason, no rentals will be accepted once the temps drop and will reopen again in the spring.
4. Our yard tools were destroyed, and with us temporarily staying elsewhere, the property looks more unkempt than ever before. We haven't been able to stay on top of the litter, there's a car completely smashed to bits in the parking lot, etc. Keep this in mind if you want to rent & bring a paying client with you. It may not be the most "professional" location and I'd hate for you to have an upset client because of our building.
5. We cannot currently host for bigger projects. Aside from those who booked & paid before the break-in, we won't be able to rent to any more photo parties or events where you have multiple clients. Small, private rentals only. While music video or movie filming rentals tend to be larger in scale, we can usually still accommodate these.
6. Some tweaks to the usual contract have been made. You will now need to sign this contract and pay your deposit at the time of booking. Your session will not be considered booked until the signed contract is in and your deposit is paid. We can no longer accept contract signatures the day of. We can send a digital contract over for your convenience, or meet you in person to fill it out. The contract is a liability waiver for my building AND Willowview Cemetery. It also states that you will be financially responsible for any damages to the property or to the graveyard caused by you or anyone in attendance with you. The contract now also covers cleaning as well. We still permit paints/fake blood/baby oil/etc to be used in permitted areas, but renters are now responsible for spills and stains they make. Renters are expected to leave the building in the same state as it was when they arrived. All furniture must be replaced and put back before you leave. Unfortunately, it has become a real problem over the last two years with people getting paint all over vintage furniture, melting candle wax to fabrics, scratching paint off of altars/pulpits by climbing/posing on them, or rearranging the entire chapel and leaving it that way when they leave. These types of things will now incur a fee.
6. We now have to travel 30-40 minutes to get to the building for rentals and have to arrive early to clean/prep, which makes availability a bit trickier. On weekdays during the school year, rentals will either have to be over by 1pm the latest, or can't start until after 4pm. With enough notice and planning, I can work around those times. Weekends are much more flexible!
Keep in mind, early morning, late night, or all day rentals will require us to stay overnight. Because of the travel necessary and potential overnights, we unfortunately have to add a small fee to all rentals until things go back to normal. This essentially just covers our travel and time. The last thing I want to do is raise prices, especially with the current damages. We have kept the same rental prices since we started, but unfortunately, with the travel and extra work required to accommodate rentals now, we cannot feasibly offer them without covering those costs. I appreciate everyone for understanding.
The fees are as follows;
>> Any Regular Rental: $20 additional fee
>> Rentals that start before 11am or continue after 8pm: $35 additional fee
>>Rentals that start before 9am or continue after 10pm: $50 additional fee
Please note, these fees are not yet officially listed in the rules below, as they are intended to be temporary. These fees are treated similarly to non-refundable deposits, except they are not due until the time of your arrival on your rental date. Payment is however expected to be made at the very beginning of said rental, once you arrive.
Rules, Expectations, Guidelines, & Other Relevant Info:
- *Updated Sep. 22, 2024* -
- Be advised, as the renter;
If you have any other participants/clients/models/assistants/etc you are legally and financially responsible for them in the event of damages, personal conduct issues, theft, or breaking the rules of our space and/or contract.
- Anyone caught acting in a violent, dangerous, or irresponsible way will be asked to leave and banned from returning. If you appear to be heavily intoxicated or under the influence of substances, you will be asked to leave.
- No alcoholic drinks are permitted unless given prior authorization. For photo parties and such that typically involve food, wine, and other alcoholic beverages, we ask that you monitor your guests and make sure nobody is getting too intoxicated, and that everyone is acting in accordance with the contract as well as enjoying themselves safely.
Remember, for them it may just be a fun party with a drunken romp through the graveyard, but this is my HOME and the actions of everyone here reflect on me and me alone. Allowing groups of people to party on the private property that I've been trusted to look after does not bode well for my character.
Have fun, but please be respectful.
- We ask that you keep an eye on all your attendees and express to them the rules and places they can/cannot go in the building. Anyone caught exploring without permission will be asked to leave. This is especially important for our private residential areas, such as bedrooms. Again, you (and your co-signer, if there is one) will be held responsible for any broken rules, regardless of who in your party breaks them.
- For liability and safety reasons, animals are no longer permitted in the building. If it is a contained animal needed for your session (for example, a snake that will only be held or otherwise in a container) this should be fine, so long as you are following the law and the Animal Welfare Act.
- Nobody, for any reason, is permitted to touch ANY of the windows. You can still pose in front of them, but you cannot climb on the windowsills or lean against them. The windows are currently very fragile and could pose a threat to people being careless. They are over 100 years old and fragile. Do not open windows or touch them in any way.
- The cemetery does not belong to us, it is an active cemetery with funerals nearly every day.
The owners/caretakers of the cemetery and I are friends and we communicate regularly.
I expect all guests to conduct themselves respectfully.
As of now, I can no longer permit anyone to photograph in the graveyard.
With that said, there is a small strip of land behind the building that belongs to me and is not graveyard property. You are permitted to photograph in that small area, utilizing the graveyard as a background. I do ask that you please edit the names off of any graves shown.
This section of the cemetery is very old and seldom sees visitors. However, if one does happen to be present, I ask that you pause your session and wait for them to finish their visit and leave.
This is a place of grieving first and foremost, private property with rules that need to be respected second, and a neat photography location last.
If you are caught photographing IN the graveyard, or climbing on/posing on graves, I have been notified by cemetery staff that you may be escorted off the property and trespassed. If this should occur, you will no longer be allowed to rent the chapel or attend photographic events here. If you are purposefully disruptive or disrespectful during a funeral or toward a grieving visitor, you will be trespassed from both the cemetery and our building immediately.
Absolutely no nudity, gore, or subjects consider to be "insensitive" outdoors or visible to the road.
- No liquids or paints may be used during your session without prior authorization. If you need to body paint a model or what have you, please let us know ahead of time. This includes liquid foods such as honey or syrup. The same applies to fake blood, baby oil, etc. You are allowed to use them, but you MUST tell us first so we can set up a clean/safe area to do so.
Absolutely NO smoke bombs are permitted in the building or outside on this property or anywhere in the graveyard.
No filled pools, fire, loose glitter, holi powder, or loaded guns.
Candles may ONLY be permitted with prior authorization.
The candles in the chapel are for decoration only and are NOT to be lit.
We've unfortunately had multiple furniture pieces and other items ruined by candle wax that was not permitted for use. If you would like to use candles, please bring your own or ask us for our spare candles (which we have!), and we will show you safe areas to use them in. I also have fake/flameless candles that you are welcome to use and have also created candle flame overlays to fake the flames in post-production. If you'd like those assets, just let us know!
- If you need to tape down cables, set up props/background/lights/misc. and need to use adhesive, you are permitted to use legitimate Gaffers tape ONLY. No duct tape or other tapes are permitted. No staples, screws, or nails.. If you're taping something of yours to something else of yours, feel free to use whatever. Under no circumstances is it okay to use adhesives other than Gaffers tape on the building, floors, or my gear/wardrobe/props.
- Nudity/boudoir is allowed but you have to tell us ahead of time so we can plan around you and your client's privacy.
No nudity is permitted outside or in the view of the outside whatsoever.
Please be respectful of other people and don't walk around the building nude, begin undressing/changing around residents or in areas you haven't been given the green light to change in, or enter the residential area of the building unclothed and uncovered.
Sexual activity and the filming of such is NOT permitted in the building whatsoever. Pornographic images/videos or sexual acts (including sex, solo penetration, masturbation, etc) during your rental will result in an automatic blacklist. Sexy content, light fetish work, and nudity as a whole are totally fine. Outright pornographic content is not.
There is usually red or black bedding on the ornate bed in the chapel, but they aren't too terribly fancy-looking. Feel free to bring your bedding set to change it into if you'd like, but please be sure to return it to our sheets/blankets when you're done.
- You must factor in how much time you may need to set up and tear down. These are both expected to take place during your rental period, not before or after. This means you cannot show up early to set up and if you need to stay later to complete your cleanup, you will be expected to pay for the additional hour, or however many hours you run over. If you leave without fulfilling the duties as outlined and agreed to in the contract, you will be required to pay a cleaning fee. Cleaning fees are determined same-day, based on the amount of work left and the state the space was left in. Alternatively, if you need to leave early and cannot fulfill these obligations, we can agree on a cleaning fee, paid immediately, and we will cover said cleaning and resetting for you.
- No one is permitted in the basement or the downstairs area of the building at any time. No guests are to be on or climbing the stairs outside at the back of the building. These stairs are not structurally sound and are unsafe.
- Please note that the church is currently undergoing renovations and as such may change frequently.
- Studio/Chapel rental includes access to wardrobe or costume pieces seen in the Wurmwood Photography studio area. However, some of these pieces are custom-made for clients and as such cannot be used. Usually, these pieces will be separated, but if in doubt, just ask! This does NOT include the photography gear. I do however have backdrop stands, backdrops, reflectors, Vflats, etc. that you are more than welcome to use, but please ask first!
- Wall and shelf decorations are not props. No one is permitted to take things off walls or shelves to use as props for their sessions. Many of these items are collectibles or very fragile and shouldn't be touched or handled roughly.
If you need furniture or artwork moved out of the way of your shots, that is almost always ok, just let me know first!
Some things cannot be moved safely or easily.
- This building is old and the electricity is sometimes subpar. Some outlets cannot handle certain amounts of voltage and may flip a breaker. You'll be directed to the best ones to plug into during your rental. If you expect you'll need a heavy power draw, let me know in advance so I can move things around, and please be sure to bring extra extension cords.
- Group shoots, parties, weddings & other events are NOT permitted.
If you want to bring a few friends to split the costs and share the space, that is perfectly fine. We ask that you keep the number of photographers to 3 or less. Other types of photography/videography-specific events, such as mini sessions or photo parties (where you are the sole photographer & receive multiple clients over the day) ARE permitted.
You need to let us know at the time of booking what you'll be booking for.
We typically advise renters hosting these kinds of events to have their own contracts in place for their clients to sign.
Your contract with us is only valid if your actual rental is as described in our conversations and legal agreement. You cannot claim to be booking for a small session and then host a party. This is a breach of contract, and you will be asked to leave with no refund and no credit/refund for any remaining hours you had left.
- Children under 12 years old are currently not permitted to attend or participate in rentals or photography events. Underage individuals are expected to be monitored by you and/or your party at all times.
If a client is under this age or if you're photographing a family with younger children, this is ok provided they remain accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times and are there as a client only, not as a tagalong or to hang out.
Kids over 12 CAN accompany you or a client just to hang out or help, but still require adult supervision.
Remember, you will be held liable if a child breaks or damages something during your rental, even if it was their parent's job to monitor them.
When it comes to events that are serving alcoholic beverages, no one under the age of 18 is permitted to be on the premises or attend AT ALL. Anyone drinking MUST be 21 years of age or older.
- Someone will be available and on-site for the entire duration of your rental. A restroom will be available to you inside my studio and living area. Guests are more than welcome to enter this area whenever they please to use the restroom or make use of the wardrobe room.
-Please be advised that both the indoors and outdoors of the property are protected by CCTV cameras, and we reserve the right to pull the footage and use it in the event of an incident/property damage/etc. There are no cameras in private areas, dressing rooms, restrooms, or other private areas of the like. For rooms without cameras containing valuable items, such as the wardrobe room, we tediously examine and catalog every item before each rental to ensure theft does not occur, or can be caught and resolved quickly. Theft and/or purposeful damaging of property will result in legal action. ALL photographic gear contained in the building is listed along with serial numbers, registered, and tracked. We have a 0% tolerance policy for theft, purposeful damaging of property, or engaging in violent/threatening/harmful behaviors. In events such as this, charges are pressed and filed with law enforcement 100% of the time. Additionally, the perpetrator(s) and responsible renter will be trespassed from the property and the surrounding cemetery grounds. In extreme cases, this extends to lawsuits and/or having you blacklisted from other venues in the area as well.
Contract, Fees, Cancellation/Rescheduling, & Refund Information:
- *Updated Sep. 22, 2024* -
- You will now need to sign a contract & liability waiver as well as pay your non-refundable deposit of $50 at the time of booking. This deposit does come out of the total of your rental fee. For 2hr rentals, that means the entire payment is due up front and becomes the non-refundable deposit.
Your session will not be considered booked until the signed contract is returned and your deposit is paid. Once a deposit is paid, the date/time will be held for 72hrs while you get your contract signed & returned, during which time nobody else will be able to book for that specified time/date. If you don't get your contract returned in time, it may be opened up for others to book. Should someone else book during this time, you will be required to select another day/time. The first time, you will be permitted to use your initial deposit to select another date without having to pay a new deposit, and that new date will be held for another 72hrs while we await the completed forms. If you again miss the 72hr window, you will forfeit the first deposit and be required to pay another one to book again. By booking and paying your deposit, you understand and agree to these conditions.
We can no longer accept contract signatures on the day of. We can send a digital contract over for your convenience, or meet you in person to fill one out. The contract/liability waiver includes not only my building but Willowview Cemetery and their property as well. Willowview Cemetery Association, & Castle Morningstar/Wurmwood Photography are not responsible for any injuries, theft, property damage, etc. while you are renting the space.
It is advised that all guests keep valuables with them and keep their car doors locked at all times.
This contract will be your acknowledgment and agreement to be held financially and legally responsible for any damages to the property or the cemetery caused by you or anyone in attendance with you.
This contract also covers cleaning and resetting. We do permit paints/fake blood/baby oil/etc to be used ONLY in permitted areas and with proper caution and protective gear. Renters are responsible for spills and stains they make.
Renters and participants are expected to leave the building in the same state as it was when they arrived.
All furniture/props/wardrobe/gear/etc. MUST be replaced and put back before you leave. Unfortunately, it has become a real problem with people getting paint all over vintage furniture, melting candle wax to fabrics, scratching paint off of altars/pulpits by climbing/posing on them, or rearranging the entire chapel and leaving it that way when they leave. These types of things will now incur a fee, of which you will understand and agree to by signing your contract.
You may also opt to have a co-renter sign as well and share in said liability.
The contract outlines the fees and basic rental agreement, as agreed by both parties.
When you sign, you will be agreeing to the following refund/payment/fee policy;
a.) There is a non-refundable deposit of $50 USD required at the time of booking. Your selected rental period will then be formally held for you for 72 hours, from the time of making said deposit payment. To finalize your booking, you are required to fill out all relevant forms and return them within those 72 hours. If you fail to meet this agreement, leniency will be given for the first time, and you will be permitted to use your initial deposit to select another date/time without paying an additional deposit. If you fail to meet this agreement a second time, the deposit will be forfeited and you will be required to make a new deposit to book again.
b.) The $50 deposit/initial payment is non-refundable regardless of the reason for cancellation. Two-hour bookings cost $50 for the two hours, meaning the entirety of a two-hour rental payment is considered a non-refundable deposit for that rental.
c.) Additional fees may be required for rentals that are very early in the morning or very late at night. If a fee is deemed necessary, you will be made aware of it before paying your deposit and signing the contract. These fees, too, are non-refundable, but are not due until you arrive for your rental. However, this fee, if there is one, must be paid immediately upon arrival on the day of your rental.
d.) You may cancel or reschedule your reservation at any time.
If you cancel with at least 7 days' notice of your expected rental date, you will receive a full refund of all fees paid, not including the $50 deposit.
If you cancel with less than 7 days' notice, you will receive a 50% refund on all fees paid, not including the $50 deposit.
If you cancel within 24 hours of your expected rental date, on the day of the rental, or no show, you will not receive a refund and our contract will be considered fulfilled.
If you need to reschedule your date, you can do so at any time.
If you reschedule with at least 7 days' notice, you will be not required to pay a new deposit to select another date, and can instead use the first deposit to select and book another date.
If you reschedule with less than 7 days' notice, you will be required to pay a one-time, non-refundable rescheduling fee of $30 USD, due immediately upon picking your new date.
If you reschedule within 24 hours, on the day of your rental, or no show and try to reschedule after, you will forfeit the use of the first deposit and be required to pay another $50 deposit to book again. The first deposit will not go toward your total rental fee for the new rental. You will be forfeiting the first deposit, and by booking again you are entering into an entirely new rental agreement, with the previous one being closed.
e.) If you or any member of your party are acting in inappropriate or dangerous ways, you will be asked to leave. If you or a member of your party are not obeying the rules as outlined and agreed to in the contract, you will be asked to leave. If you are asked to leave due to a breach of contract such as this, you will not receive a refund for your rental nor will you get credit for any remaining unused hours. Additionally, you will not be allowed to return to or rent the property in the future.
By signing, you understand and agree to these terms.
You will be required to sign a copy of all the property rules, stating that you understand and acknowledge them. Once this is signed, you cannot claim to not have known about a rule to avoid having to leave the premises.
f.) Your rental hours need to include your set up/tear down time. Be sure to plan enough time to accomplish all of your cleanup before your rental is over. If you go over time, even if you're just cleaning up and returning furniture, you will be required to pay for that additional hour. Your rental period includes only the hours that you've paid for, as specified in your contract. You may not show up early to start setting up. The doors will be unlocked 5 minutes before your allotted time, and you will then be permitted to enter the building and begin setup. Plan your time accordingly, and consider adding an additional hour as a safety net if you think you may need it. Remember, the room MUST be returned to the state it was in upon your arrival. This means all trash and mess needs to be cleaned up and all furniture/props/backdrops/etc need to be returned to their original location. If you leave without fulfilling these obligations, as outline in the contract, you will be charged a cleaning fee, of which is dependent upon the amount of work you left behind. Additionally, you may not be permitted to return to the property or rent again in the future.
In The News